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Запись #9 в дневнике пользователя DimanBes

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+3   [01.12.2013 22:00] DimanBes Рейтинг 1959.48     Стена пользователя DimanBes +303

Тема от пользователя DimanBes Rest in peace, Paul

Paul ... You were a great actor. Awesome. Your every movie, every your role were special. You did not spare his strength for us. For spectators. And as an actor and as a person you were amazing. True, Paul. I do not believe that you do not ... When I reported this, I went with a cold sweat. I'm shocked ... Paul, as well as ... The world has lost a star ... How many wonderful movies with your participation "Running Scared," "Few hours", "Lombard Chronicles", "brick house." And of course "Fast and furious". If someone else was in the role of Brian, it would not ... I always imagined myself in this movie on your site. How I envy you. I still often revise the first part. It is a masterpiece. I know how much you loved cars. For you this movie was something special. Was part of you. I really can not believe it ... Now you're gone ... He left behind a lot of good. I very much hope that you will read it. And understand that knowingly spent his 40 years.
Paul, you eternal memory. Rest in peace.




Paul William Walker IV

Paul William Walker IV

Paul William Walker IV

Paul William Walker IV

Проголосовали: #1303593, Kontrast, akarat, #1715552, #2048243, 190119031908, Maxeenok
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